At no other point in human history have we had such easy access to people. We have apps to connect with people, to meet people, to find people. So why are so many of us having trouble finding a romantic relationship?
It all seemed so easy in years gone by when you would meet someone from your neighborhood and settle down. But then again the divorce rate is at 50% as a result of these “convenient” relationships.
I could go on and on because sociology, and especially the study of romantic relationships, fascinates me.
Aziz Ansari and NYU sociologist Eric Klinenberg teamed up to help illuminate the landscape of dating, courtship, romance, etc. in a way that only a comedian and a social scientist could.
This book is literally everywhere right now – and there’s good reason.
It’s hilarious and incredibly interesting. So step away from OKCupid, Tinder, and all those other apps and give this a read. You’ll love it.
The Essentials: Modern Romance